Saturday, August 15, 2009

Looking Forward to the First Day of School

As the new principal of the Neary School, I'm very much looking forward to the beginning of school this fall, and to meeting all of our new 4th graders and returning 5th graders. For me, the new year always begins in the fall, and September is always when I set my own goals for the year. Several years ago, standing in the lobby on the first day of school, I watched a father come in with his son. He checked to make sure his son had everything he needed, and then said, "Give me a high five for a great year!" Every year, on the first day, I remember that scene. The beginning of the school year is an exciting time, full of hopes and dreams and possibilities. In a book titled The First Days of School, authors Harry and Rosemary Wong recommend celebrating that new beginning and we are planning to do that at Neary this year with a day that includes a whole-school welcoming assembly, as well as orientation and community-building activities and time for our students to reflect on the coming year and how we can work together to make our school the best possible place for everyone. I'm looking forward to it and I hope you are, too!

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